human-mechatronics-double-edged-power-influence by Craig Dubecki DotsDoConnect

Human Mechatronics™: The Double-Edged Power of Influence

Now available for Kindle and with Kindle Unlimited on Amazon

Welcome to the world of Human Mechatronics™, Quadrantic Cognition™, DotsDoConnect™, and The WYLIWYG® Principle.  Mechatronics is the combination of mechanical, electrical and software engineering creating a robust figure – such as a robot.  Human Mechatronics™ is about those same three facets creating the Human Machine – You…and Me ~ the most amazing machines ever created. In this world, you become aware of how you are in control of the influence your mind is subjected to.

Why do we do what we do? Look at the front cover of this book.  Have you been a follower, or a leader?  Are you one of the sheep in the background? Have you been in the past?  Are you on the left side with black eyes –blind to reality or–  are you on the right side with white eyes – full of awareness? Or, maybe you are front and centre – the shepherd? Do you even know? Do you understand and appreciate how the dots connect in your life, and how you got to where you are this very day?  Are you happy with that?

This book, Human Mechatronics™: The Double-Edged Power of Influence, is the first book in a two-book series based on Human Mechatronics™ – our Human Machine and, in particular, the power of our mind.  Here we will discuss–  with the help of movies, music, sports, history, and gaining more of an understanding of faith, religion, politics, human behaviour, and much more– how through history, we humans have been influenced to arrive at the point we are today. Human evolution has been incredibly exciting and transcending, yet also so incredibly savage and controlling with prejudice still being extremely prevalent; thus the double-edge of power.  Here we will create a better awareness of those two sides of power.

Here, you will then learn that you do have the power of your mind to be in control of your own life from this day forward.  Then, in the second book, with a better understanding of influence, we will dive into focus and concentration.  You are then entering the world of reality and your own personal power.  So, let’s you and I now enter this world of Human Mechatronics™.

Email Craig to purchase your author signed copies

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Human Mechatronics: The Double-Edged Power of Influence

Hot off the press!

Human Mechatronics: The Double-Edged Power of Influence by Craig Dubecki

Why do some humans shout and lie to others trying to control the masses, yet those very masses get excited and either blindly mutate into what is now controlling them or, instead, they become passive and subservient from listening to that very someone shouting and now controlling them?  Either way, the mind is now being controlled by that influential force.  Why does an individual stay in a toxic and damaging environment even though, admitting to a friend, they very well know that they should leave.

Why do we humans do what we do – whatever it is we do in our daily lives?  What, or who, has influenced us over the years, or even today, to have us behave and say the things we do?    There is a double-edge to the power gained by influential forces.  On one side, these things we do, they can be good – on the other side, they can be bad.  They can be creative – they can be destructive.  These actions can heal and make others happy – or they can hurt and cause others pain.  Looking in a mirror, our own actions can make us happy – yet our own actions can instead cause us pain?

Why does a certain group of people believe and focus so intently on their way of living and governing the people being the only correct way yet, their fellow neighbors condemn them for those beliefs because they believe that actually it’s their vision that is the only correct way to live; to the extreme extent sometimes of becoming violent to prove a belief.  What has caused these differences?  Are we not all influenced by the same things?  Are we not all trying to live a free life on this planet?  Why do some people naturally have what it takes to focus on something and make it work yet, others feel like the walls are spinning through a feeling of anxiety, which now creates a sense of confusion and being lost in thought, and even void of purpose?

Human Mechatronics: The Double-Edged Power of Influence, is the first of a two-part series that is meant to open up your mind to become a more free-thinker; at least a thinker who understands the influence they have lived, or live under.  This book helps you think, and hopefully appreciate, what and how you got to where you are today.  The second book: Human Mechatronics: The Power of Focus, will help guide you to understand how you can further evolve with a more free-thinking mind.

Each book sells for $17.99 Cdn. each + shipping through Craig
Email Craig to purchase your author signed copies
Soon to be available on /

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momondays Waterloo July 15, 2019

We all come out of school wanting to find a way to rock in our own life.  Thus begins the roller-coaster adventure called life.  You can become a Rock Star in your own mind at any age.  It’s never too late to find your passion and purpose.  It all depends on what you are looking at!  I now walk that talk and will explain in detail at Momondays on how I connected the dots and found my focus and, wrote a book about it! 

You can see the promo video on facebook here:

You can get your tickets here:

“Keep Rock’in best you can!”

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Unleash your Power through Focus

Incredible forty-five minute international podcast now on Arianna Huffington’s Thrive Global where the amazing Lisa McDonald and I talk about everything from roller-coaster-life adventures, to my Eye-Teaming struggles, depression, almost giving up, and then, to rebuilding, re-discovering (maybe even discovering for the first time), how to mold my skills, passions and talents and learn to finally rock in my life! Grateful yet very proud !

This, is the start of it all with weekly posts. Stayed tuned and stay Focused!

Read the article here:
Listen to the podcast here:

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Rico and the Rejects

RICO AND THE REJECTS returning to the Churchill Arms, WATERLOO-March 15-9 pm!

The band is extremely flattered to be asked to perform a return engagement at the Churchill Arms Waterloo. Rico and the Rejects will be playing Friday March 15th starting at 9 p.m. The St. Paddy’s party will rock out to April Wine, The Doobie Brothers, Jeff Beck, Eric Clapton, Bill Withers and Etta James, and even mix in some good old Irish rock with some tunes by Gary Moore, Van Morrison and maybe even U2. We’re going to have fun and we hope that you join in on the fun with some great food, great service and great drinks

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Craig dubecki featured speaker momonday guelph march 25 2019

Craig Dubecki FEATURED SPEAKER Guelph-March 25, 2019

The Dots keep Connecting because of WYLIWYG!!  Extremely honored to have been invited to the Guelph stage on March 25, 2019 at 6 pm with these incredible speakers including the Founder of Momondays and, a Canadian soccer legend!  This night will rock!!!

Get tickets/more information here:
momondays Guelph | momondays

Get tickets/more information here:
momondays Guelph | momondays

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