human-mechatronics-double-edged-power-influence by Craig Dubecki DotsDoConnect

Human Mechatronics™: The Double-Edged Power of Influence

Now available for Kindle and with Kindle Unlimited on Amazon

Welcome to the world of Human Mechatronics™, Quadrantic Cognition™, DotsDoConnect™, and The WYLIWYG® Principle.  Mechatronics is the combination of mechanical, electrical and software engineering creating a robust figure – such as a robot.  Human Mechatronics™ is about those same three facets creating the Human Machine – You…and Me ~ the most amazing machines ever created. In this world, you become aware of how you are in control of the influence your mind is subjected to.

Why do we do what we do? Look at the front cover of this book.  Have you been a follower, or a leader?  Are you one of the sheep in the background? Have you been in the past?  Are you on the left side with black eyes –blind to reality or–  are you on the right side with white eyes – full of awareness? Or, maybe you are front and centre – the shepherd? Do you even know? Do you understand and appreciate how the dots connect in your life, and how you got to where you are this very day?  Are you happy with that?

This book, Human Mechatronics™: The Double-Edged Power of Influence, is the first book in a two-book series based on Human Mechatronics™ – our Human Machine and, in particular, the power of our mind.  Here we will discuss–  with the help of movies, music, sports, history, and gaining more of an understanding of faith, religion, politics, human behaviour, and much more– how through history, we humans have been influenced to arrive at the point we are today. Human evolution has been incredibly exciting and transcending, yet also so incredibly savage and controlling with prejudice still being extremely prevalent; thus the double-edge of power.  Here we will create a better awareness of those two sides of power.

Here, you will then learn that you do have the power of your mind to be in control of your own life from this day forward.  Then, in the second book, with a better understanding of influence, we will dive into focus and concentration.  You are then entering the world of reality and your own personal power.  So, let’s you and I now enter this world of Human Mechatronics™.

Email Craig to purchase your author signed copies

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